


Ebay is one of the main trading sources for the purchase of Bossons on the internet.


The majority of Bossons collectors are based in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK

The Ebay internet addresses for these Countries are as follows -

International and Untied States Ebay is at www.ebay.com

United Kingdom Ebay is at www.ebay.co.uk

Canadian Ebay is at www.ebay.ca

Australian Ebay is at www.ebay.com.au


Just type the word Bossons in the search box and you will be presented with a considerable range of Bossons that are available for sale.


The majority of collectors avidly track the sale of Bossons on Ebay.


I have tracked the 'sale prices' of Bossons on Ebay for a number of years.

If you go to the "Ebay  Price List" button then you can become an instant authority on the value of individual pieces. 


Please do not rely on this price list, particularly if you are purchasing some of the rarer pieces as prices vary considerably year on year. This price list is only a guide to help and encourage collectors in the quest for Bossons.    



All figures are in Pounds Sterling.

Happy Bidding